Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hump Day

Not much to write today so I will leave with this funny picture :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Well my ducks are in a row...just not the right order lol

I bravely sent out what little bit of my WIP, I had completed.

Nervously I have been waiting to hear back. Hoping I wouldn't get the following responses:

-OMG! What the hell are you thinking???

-You Suck!!!

-Who told you could be a writer?!?!?!

But thankfully, it was very constructive.

I have the right idea, just a little jumbled up.

After analyzing other's work I feel that I have put too much backstory into it too soon. Instead of peppering it through, BAM!, like Emeril tossing in basil in his newest dish lol.

I am off to read more in "You can write a mystery" by Gillian Roberts.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Goals...thus far

Here is what I came up with.

My Short Term Goals for 2008

Write 25k-50k words for Odds & Errands

Plot, Set up characters, nail down synopsis for Cyrano de Bergerac story

Plot, Set up characters, nail down synopsis for Time Travel story

Plot, Set up characters, nail down synopsis for Social Experiment story

Conduct Research for Odds & Errands

Attend as many conferences as possible

Attend as many COFW meetings as possible

Find a Critique Partner(s)

My Long Term Goals for 2008 and Beyond

2008: Finish Odds & Errands. Work on 3 new WIP’s. Learn a lot.

2009: Write Odds & Errands #2. Finish 2 of the WIP’s. Start on 1-2 new works in progress. Enter 1-2 contests.

2010: Finish WIP #3. Work on WIP’s #4 and #5, write 25k words. Enter 2-3 contests. Attend RWA National Conference.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Career Goals...what the heck are those?

A very good question indeed!

I was carousing the internet this morning before my fateful trip to the local tax office and happened upon a website called

I found a HUGE wealth of knowledge on there and even learned they have FREE workshops of the month posted in their Forum.

I found a few to start with and printed out the info. The first was about setting career goals. I am working on them now and will post them tommorrow!

Night all

Mrs. P~

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So much for keeping on task

Well I got hit hard with the sick bug. And I am still recovering. UGH!

However, I have been working on writing stuff. I decided to start three new WIP's. This way I can go back and forth if I get stuck on Odds & Errands.

They are (in no particular order):

1-A Cyrano de Bergerac type story

2-Time Travel (Always wanted to do one, started one when I was younger)

3-Social Experiment type deal

The other night I woke up THREE different times because I was getting little bits of information for the Cyrano de Bergerac story. A little voice was telling me the name of one of the characters, and part of the plot.

I grabbed a notebook and wrote it all down. In the dark. And suprisingly the next day, I could actually read it LOL.

Well I am off to work more on my WIP's.

Night :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Slowly but surely

I have spent the day working on a few creativity stirring ideas.

I started an "Idea Pocket". I have gone through several magazines cutting out sayings, photos and other things that would provide some new ideas for future WIP's. I also took some index cards and wrote down a few ideas too.

Soon I will begin a plotting board. I still need to read all the how-to information lol.

Off to find more inspirations!

Mrs. Pigglesworth~

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Here I am

Hello everyone in Blogger world,


I am finding that this forum is quite the place to share, learn and network with fellow authors.

I also need a seperate place where I can concentrate on my writing and nothing else.

A place where I can be me.

I plan on keeping this blog not only as a way to connect with other authors but also to keep a record of my progress :)

So far here are my stats:

WIP #1 Untitled thus far, Possibly an "Odds and Errands Mystery"
Word Count: Approximately 5300 so far
Word Goal: 90,000

Am I a little intimidated? YES! lol

Currently I am working on studying various plotting methods and deciding which will be best for me. I was "pantsing" it for awhile, but I feel I need more structure.

Off to keep studying,

Mrs. Pigglesworth :)