Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So much for keeping on task

Well I got hit hard with the sick bug. And I am still recovering. UGH!

However, I have been working on writing stuff. I decided to start three new WIP's. This way I can go back and forth if I get stuck on Odds & Errands.

They are (in no particular order):

1-A Cyrano de Bergerac type story

2-Time Travel (Always wanted to do one, started one when I was younger)

3-Social Experiment type deal

The other night I woke up THREE different times because I was getting little bits of information for the Cyrano de Bergerac story. A little voice was telling me the name of one of the characters, and part of the plot.

I grabbed a notebook and wrote it all down. In the dark. And suprisingly the next day, I could actually read it LOL.

Well I am off to work more on my WIP's.

Night :)

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